17 October 2011

Not now but soon

Im gonna swallow "it’s all over"  words and open wide on these " gonna start over".Not now but soon like the moust beautiful light. A new chance for you, i owe you.
Im gonna release all this that i´ve had in  a headlock.
Afraid to start don´t you heart?
You've been hidding but now you are free to start walking and my only duty is just to keep an eye on you and don´t you dare to say that you are doing something wrong.... you know that not now but soon heart!
Im gonna bring on the best days of my live when im gonna get through this one.
Not now but soon heart....

11 October 2011

Hoy esto es lo que quiero :)

Quiero recojer conchitas en la playa y guardarlas para que mi corazon recuerde ese mismo dia.
Dejar mis huellas en la playa para poder guardar el mismo camino a casa
Mirar estrellas y darles cada noche el mismo significado que ayer,
Y tocar el cielo con los pies tendida boca arriba.

Quiero bailar y dar volteretas sin preocuparme por el equilibrio,
Mirar el dia anocheser y sentir la llegada del viento,
Porque al fin se sentiria algo y el día no seria tan aburrido.

04 October 2011

My journey

Life is like a journey and moust of us get left behind and the bad part is that we cannot press rewind.

We have just one chance to make it good and get things right. We have to make a first impression and that´s the start that changes our lifetime and moust important we play only one role....the one that we choose.

Every day my faith is stronger im gonna try to stand up, flow and know i will never fail even I may be bruised cuz only the strong will continue through this journey.

And again im ready to fill this blog everytime i can!

I´ve learned so many stuff about life values and im ready to put it down here =^_^=